I AM still here! Sorry it has taken me so long to update this blog. Let me get things up to speed: New job started November 8th, and going very well! Old job, weelll..... the gentleman who was hired to replace me either has the most incredible bad luck, or a stroke of dishonest genius, because he fell down on his first day at orientation and had back surgery the next day. Such bad luck! Or, if you are a scammer, workers comp!! After a few hours on the job!! I'm going with horrible luck, those who know him say he is an upstanding kind of soul. This affects me, as I can't in good conscience leave the old job without anyone in my old position. So, I have been going in about 3 times a week after the new job to help out. This amounts to about 60 hours of work a week. Translation- no real knitting time :( I have to strongly reevaluate my Christmas knitting list, I know I will not have the time to make the things I wanted to. I discovered when I was knitting Miss Dashwood, I am definitely a process knitter, the joy is gone when a deadline is looming or I feel like I have to knit rather than want to knit.
I'm still working on the Morning Surf Scarf, I have about 6 inches to go. I fit in a few rows here and there.
A little over exposed, but here's the front and back. Unblocked. This is where I can sneak a few rows in here and there, in the car! Yes, I'm a car knitter. The traffic lights are unbelievably looongg here in South Fl, I'm also stuck quite often waiting for trains, and drawbridges over the intercostal waterway. I can get quite a few rows done! Car knitting does not lend itself to all kinds of knitting, but short row items work well, and socks make for good car knitting. And, no, I am NOT knitting while I am driving! Only when stopped. Today was a particularly pretty top down day.