So, when I was at my LYS purchasing yarn for Miss Dashwood, 9 skeins of yarn seemed like a lot to wind into balls. I'll get a ball winder, I thought! I don't have a swift, but that was not a deterrent. I brought this home:
I love the look of the "cakes" of yarn it produces.
(bad photo at my kitchen counter)
So, I try the Berroco Bamboo. I heard a little voice in my head at the LYS saying ' this yarn is too slippery to wind....too slippery.....DON"T GET THE BALL WINDER FOR THIS YARN'!!! I don't listen. I get it home and it's winding pretty. Then I try taking it off the ball winder. Oh, yeah, collapses on itself. Voice in head says disparaging things about now! I try winding it onto a cardboard tube- won't collapse now, hahahaha!! Wrong! Here's my two tries, on the left off the ball winder, and on the right, wound onto a cardboard tube.
Not Pretty.
This is how the other 7 skeins have ended up:

Wound into a pretty ball without the aid of any fancy tools or gadgets!
I do like the ball winder, though. It is easy to use, actually fun! And it makes the plainest of yarn look mighty fancy:

Sugar N Cream, top, and Wildfoote, bottom, in their cakiest finery.