Miss Dashwood by Chic Knits. She doesn't look like much yet, this is only one pattern repeat with many more to go! The yarn is Berroco Bonsai, it has a very nice feel to knit with, not too slippery on metal needles, and not too splitty. This is for Child Of Mine, who is a bridesmaid in a wedding in New Hampshire in late September. Since she gets cold when temps dip below 70, she wanted something to put over her shoulders after the ceremony. Her dress is a strapless, mid shin brown number, she calls the look "poo on a stick". (Can you tell she is not too enamoured with this dress)? Below is a photo of the yarn with the dress, I think she picked a good complimentary color, and the dress really isn't that bad (said by one who doesn't have to wear it)!

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