Sunday, July 22, 2007

What's on the Needles?

What is this mess of stitches?? Why, it's going to be The String Bag! The pattern is well written and easy to follow , you can find it here.

I am almost up to the handles, it is knitting up fairly quickly. I modified the plain bottom, you can see in this picture:

I'm hoping to knit up a few of these for gifts. My other project on the needles is a lonely sock I have been languishing over for a couple of months now. I don't know why I have lost my sock motivation!

1 comment:

Patricia said...

Wow, I'm your first comment! Congratulations on the blog and Ravelry. I love your banner. Sunflowers always make me smile. Thank you for adding me to your blog role. I'm in great company, judging from the list. So far the string bag looks great. I look forward to all your future knitting adventures!