Out in the backyard we put in a butterfly garden about 2 years ago. In this climate, it only took about 6 months and all the plants looked like they have been there for years. The garden supports about 12 different kinds of butterflies year round. Since we have host and nectar plants, I get to see the whole cycle, from egg laying to emerging butterflies. This is my way to relax, to putter in the garden for a little while after work. I've been watching these "kids" this week:

Oh, a face only a mother can love! He's almost ready to turn into a chrysalis, and then into this:
A Gulf Fritillary.
Also out in the garden is this:

Must just be me.
This is the caterpillar of a Zebra Longwing, the State Butterfly of Florida:
Very cool. When our passion flower was being devoured by that very species of orange caterpillar, my first reaction was to head into the garage for some Safer Soap. "No", squealed my newly graduated environmental horticulturist friend. I'm so glad I listened. A few week later the butterflies emerged and filled the backyard with color.
I love your blue Morning Surf Scarf! I have way too many projects going now, and zero time, but it's nearly enough to make me want to learn knitting. How do you get the curves in it? It's beautiful!
What are the other 10 kinds of butterflies you have? I'm also in South Florida, and I have the Gulf Fritillary and Zebra Heliconian Butterflies that you have, and lots of others, but I'm always looking for more. The ones I've found so far are here: http://butterflies.heuristron.net
Do you have others, and if so which one?
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