When I was photographing my stash for Ravelry, I noticed that a lot of the skeins had the price tag covering the name. A lot. The offenders were all purchased in yarn stores, never if purchased on line or a craft/fabric store. Why is this?? And it seems to be from Boston to Miami and in between. I mean, if you have to cover anything, why the name?? Makes it hard to look up the other pertinent information for the yarn when I can't remember what the heck the yarn is. (Never mind why I bought it and WHAT did I think I was ever going to make with THAT yarn)! *sigh*
I found you on Ravelry! I work at the Yarn Shoppe and our policy is actually if the label is that small, cover the name of the yarn before anything else. This way, the customer (and the employee) still has a shot of being able to figure out the alleged gauge, yardage, and washing instructions from the label. We do this because a lot of our customers are much much older and don't use the internet to search these things out. Sometimes we find a ball in the shop that has the gauge panel covered and it drives me bonkers because I have to grab another ball when I don't know what I'm looking for. I hope that helps.
Hi head of the table,
Thanks for the reply! I knew this must be deliberate, it just seemed funny to me. Looking at ballbands, there really isn't much room to put a sticker anywhere that doesn't cover something important! I'm glad you found me on Ravelry, I was going to respond to you there, but I couldn't find you :( I'll try again. - Jenny
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